

Enjoy . Explore . Experience

Ever since the inception of Ideal Play abacus India (IPA), we dreamt of creating a new-age learning centre to offer limitless joy to the young ones while aiding them in their pursuit of learning. Thoughts were transformed into reality and ARKA KIDS was born. Arka kids, a preschool, where a child discovers himself, the teacher is a guide and a friend and the environment most appropriate for the blooming of the young minds.


  • Provide superior quality of child care and education for children in the age group of two and a half years onwards.
  • Provide a safe, secure and a stimulating environment.
  • Encourage each child to explore his world with curiosity and enthusiasm.
  • Help the child to “help” himself to become independent and self-sufficient.

We understand that every child is unique and therefore we help them be their best self. Parents always focus on giving the extra -ordinary to their children and at Arka Kids we promise to provide that extra bit!


  • A well-researched, integrated, International curriculum to cater to every aspects of the growth areas in your child.
  • Varied, stimulating activities to meet the individual needs of the children, using both indoor and outdoor activities.
  • Small group numbers in the class to provide individual attention.
  • Professional and qualified staff to assist the young ones.
  • Interactive audio-visual teaching aids and hands-on activities to develop different learning styles.


  • Two children groups.
  • Pre-Nursery-1½ to 2½ years.
  • Nursery-2½ to 3½ years.
  • Committed and experienced teachers and staff who maintain a cheerful environment in the school.
  • A teacher-child ratio of 1:10.
  • Incorporating regular updates and improvements in the well-researched curriculum.
  • Varied range of activities to chisel the overall development of the child.
  • A secure and hygienic environment.
  • A prompt approach to all the parent’s queries and concerns.
  • A happy extension of the home for the little one.

At ARKA KIDS, we prepare a child to be independent in movements, actions, thoughts and more. He learns to speak fluently, music and rhythm sharpens his listening skills, creativity is unleashed through structured art and craft activities, learn social ability through group games and interaction.

At ARKA KIDS we are happy to witness the young minds discover the fun of learning, reading, writing, drawing, calculating, sharing and lots more.



  • Arka kids Pre School provides a foundation for learning both socially and academically that will help your child succeed in elementary school
  • Our Programs at Arka kids nurture warm relationships among children, teachers and parents and our teachers build a close personal connection with each child in their care
  • At Arka kids children learn to focus attention on the teacher, listen while others are speaking and wait their turn to talk
  • Children are taken to field trip to make them understand about the concepts / themes taught in Arka Kids.
Brain Tree
uk english
Learning Box – U.K. English
Abacus online course
Arkakids - IPA
Creative Art India
Vedic Mathematics
vedic mathematics
My Math
Brain Vita
Brite English
Arkakids - IPA
Amazing Memory