I wish to take up IPA Abacus franchisee. Is it a good idea?

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IPA has been up and running since 2003. We have been an established and popular company with an excellent track record. Our franchisees are equipped with their own ecosystems, right from course pamphlets, banner demo sessions in playschools and schools, student kits (company bags, company t-shirts, books, tools), and assistance for digital marketing support (online marketing and promotion). This ready-to-go system in place makes owning a franchise a more attractive proposition than starting a local business from scratch. We all understand that education is a wise investment. And IPA has produced a profitable return on investment. Due to the IPA’s innovative, kid-friendly, and engaging abacus learning style, there are fewer dropouts among pupils. We have more than 16 years of experience, 3 million+ students, and 1,000+ franchisees. It encourages individuals to manage profitable part-or full-time businesses to attain financial independence and a work-life balance. So all you require is 400-600 sq ft (2 classrooms, reception, and toilet facilities) in a commercial or semi-commercial building that has easy access and visibility potential. So what are you waiting for?

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