How to do abacus fast ?

Basically a person has to learn a skill there are some rules and procedures to be followed to get the

best results. For example a child has to learn dance, swim or cycling, he/she is taught the basic

movements of hands, legs body etc as per requirements. Unless the child understand and follow the

rules thoroughly it cannot master it. Same way for abacus also children are taught the sitting posture,

position of abacus, hand and finger movements etc. This we call the tricks to learn the skill.

Easiest way to learn abacus is focus, learn the tricks first followed by learning the formulas taught

in the initial 1 or 2 levels, PRACTICE regularly and have confidence in you. Next comes the speed.

In abacus class IPA has laid lot of emphasis on fingering exercises. Once children are taught all 34

formulas, they are asked to add and less the same numbers say 1 – 9 so that they are thorough with

application of formulas. Followed by this they are taught continuous addition/ subtraction of numbers

say 1 – 100 in the basic levels. By practicing the above on regular basis the speed and accuracy

improves enormously. As levels go up children are taught fingering exercises of higher digits as well.

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