Below we will see how to use the abacus.
First of all abacus should be kept on flat surface so that the beads don’t move and change position
when the child works on the instrument.. Abacus is a tool with 5 beads in each bar fixed on a wooden
frame. There is a horizontal bar which separates one bead at the upper portion from the 4 beads at the
lower portion. Kids are taught the value of beads, place value etc at the first place followed by
manipulating the beads up and down while doing the calculations. Holding the abacus , pencils and
finger movements play a vital role in achieving the best results. Once children understand the basic
movements they are taught all the 34 formulas step by step over a period of 3-4 months.
The next step is multiplication. Children are taught table 1 to 9 before the start of multiplication.
To start with 2d x 1d followed by 3d x 1d, 2d x 2d, keep increasing the digits at every level. The
They are taught the placement of rods for the answers in the abacus. Division is also taught in the
same manner. Fingering exercises are done in every level to improve the speed and accuracy.
Hence abacus learning is a life time skill for the children and from experience we find that these
children are able to excel in any field they choose.