Benefits of Abacus
In this generation, kids are more advanced in using technology and very keen on their studies. When someone asks a kid “what is the toughest subject?”, most of the answer will be “Mathematics”. Because it is the subject where logic and formulas were applied to get a solution to the problem, without the help of the brain, we cannot solve a problem. Abacus makes such kind of child to say that “Maths is the easiest one among all the others”. Sounds very great right!!!! Here come some of the benefits of learning abacus.

Boosts inventiveness
How does a child make a creative solution or something? Abacus is the solution, of course. Once a child learns how to solve a problem on their own using different methods, they are the odd man out among all. A problem in math has different ways to find a solution, the method may differ but the solution to the problem stays the same.

Speed and accuracy
Most of them choose the smartest way which is shortcuts rather than the hardest one. When a little one struggles to find a solution to a problem, it might be somewhat difficult for them. Well, there’s no such thing as the abacus where one can solve the problem just like that, which will also increase the speed and accuracy in solving a problem.

Here comes the most important part, when a student solves a single math problem and the solution is the exact one at their first attempt, they feel like “I can do this, these are way easier to me”. This is what self-confidence sounds like. Abacus gives you that in solving the most difficult problems. Precisely nothing can beat this self-confidence seed once it is planted inside them.

Observing and Listening Skills
These are the most important and much-needed skills for a student to understand something that might be a game or their studies. When they find something interest they’ll observe it for sure and when they do they’ll listen and when they listen they’ll find that thing easier than anything else. Therefore Abacus is such a kind of “Interesting” thing.

Reduces Stress
What is stress? Why does this stress thing happen in kids? Well, children can also feel stressed and frustrated when something that they wish doesn’t happen. The same will happen in math too. Abacus is an easier thing that reduces stress in solving problems. When a student understands that abacus is an easy thing, they solve problems very fast, hence no place for “Stress” word.

The term which is main in maths, of course in other subjects too, but mainly in maths. None can solve the problem without concentrating. As it is mentioned, Abacus is an easier way for calculation, it will attract someone to towards it. Once a child shows some interest, they find it easy, they concentrate and solve the problems. All they need is to concentrate.