Are abacus and calculator the same?
Is abacus and calculator considered same since both do the same operations. No, a person well versed in abacus can never agree to this point. Calculator is an electronic device which can be used by any layman also easily without much effort and it does only the mathematical calculations. But abacus is a skill which can be developed by learning systematically and practicing. It is a brain development program which improves the logical and analytical thinking, concentration, speed, accuracy, memory, confidence etc other than mental calculations. Children who have learnt this skill are able to excel in any field they choose, since abacus is a brain development programme whereas no skills are developed by using an electronic calculator. In competitive exams calculators are not allowed. Abacus learning enables a person to visualize the abacus and do the calculations fast. hence we look at abacus vs calculator it is best to learn abacus and keep the brain active which a calculator cannot do.